“Winn-Dixie” is a heartwarming novel by American author, Wendy Elizabeth Leiberman, also known as “Sharon Creech.” The story, illustrated by E.B. Lewis, follows eleven-year-old socially awkward Opal Bulstrom who struggles with her father’s absence. After adopting a scruffy but charismatic dog named Winn-Dixie at a local supermarket, Opal finds friendship, love, and community she has been missing. Winn-Dixie introduces Opal to various other characters like her kind grandmother Melody, shy but lovable Melinda, eccentric Miss Franny, ambitious Otis, and Jules, a boy she unknowingly falls for. The novel explores themes of loneliness, friendship, acceptance, and the magic of unexpected connections. Through city life and small-town experiences, Opal’s character, like Winn-Dixie’s, learns about empathy, resilience, and the complexities of human and canine companionship. As a coming-of-age story, “Winn-Dixie” emphasizes the transformative power of love and community in one’s life.
(Word Count: 100)
📍 Location: 701 E Main St, Prattville, AL 36067, United States
📞 Contact Us: (334) 365-7015
🌐 Website: https://www.winndixie.com/
Rating: 4.4
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Love our local Winn Dixie! The deli chicken, sushi, fruits, and vegetables are always so fresh and delicious 🙂 The meat prices and quality are wonderful plus using reward points helps stretch our money further! The store has been newly renovated and stays super clean and organized too 🙂
So, I bought nearly $250 worth of groceries, when the clerk rang up the two packs of Brats for $6.74 eah. The sell price was $5.99 each but they wouldn’t sell it to me for the posted price. Even when I asked for a manager, she (the manager) refused to sell them to me. So, for nearly $1.50, they refused to sell me the product and thus lose a customer forever.
Well stocked but I guess as everywhere else the prices are up. But your not going to find wholesale prices here. But it is clean and well kept.
Very well organized and clean store. While some prices are a bit higher than wally, you will not spend any more than wally. BOGO offers and sale prices make Winn-Dixie a much better place to shop.
Have good sales, but many times you have to use the buy one get one sale to make it worthwhile. Aways clean and friendly place to shop with fresh items