“The Little Door” is a 1958 Paramount Pictures animated short film created by Ub Iwerks. Combining classic animation techniques with an original storyline, the film presents a dreamy fairy tale experience. The plot centers on an adventurous young fairy named Mandy, portrayed by Margaret Kerry, who finds a serendipitous entrance to enchanting realms through a pint-sized portal. Another intriguing character in the story is Door Man, voiced by Paul Harvey, who pushes Mandy through this magical door. The Little Door’s significance lies in its nostalgic portrayal of traditional animation, showcasing anticipation, innocence, wonder, and discovery that resonates with audiences of all ages. This timeless piece continues to entertain and inspire nostalgia for classic animation. With its captivating setting, endearing protagonist, and imaginative storyline, “The Little Door” stands as a cherished piece in the landscape of animated cinema. (Word Count: 100)
📍 Location: 8164 W 3rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90048, United States
📞 Contact Us: (323) 951-1210
🌐 Website: https://thelittledoor.com/
Rating: 4.5
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Romantic and very reminiscent of a Parisian dining experience, this little gem was a delectable experience. Well-plated, the pasta was divine, the fish cooked perfectly. From impeccable service right down to the coffee, I would make the hour and a half long trek once more for a meal here.
The atmosphere and service were excellent. Sitting outside is a rare experience which everyone has to try once. As for the food, it was an off night for me. All items (oysters, octopus, uni pasta and sea bass) we tried had a mix of flavors that did not work for us. All were extremely sweet, and did not compliment the atmosphere.
Charming, inconspicuous restaurant perfect for celebrating a special occasion. Overall ambiance is peaceful and encourages comfortable conversations, as observed by us and most tables surrounding ours.
The menu is tastefully curated and the portion sizes left us feeling satiated. I started with a Yuzu Toki Highball drink, which tasted silky with a lingering touch of sweetness. For our appetizer we went with the Burrata and it was delightful, with interesting texture in every bite. The sea bass entree was complemented by 3x forms of cauliflower, which felt multi-dimensional yet beautifully simple at the same time. There was a green sauce that really made the entire meal. Surprising elements throughout, such as raisins and peppercorns, added a nice touch. The rack of lambs entree was well seasoned and juicy.
Staff was attentive, knowledgeable, and efficient. Our total after tip was ~$80/person so I wouldn’t come here routinely, but the overall experience is nice for something worth celebrating.
Got to choose the restaurant for a guys trip. Was a little nervous about my choice but it was the right one. We had an amazing steak dinner and the service was impeccable. My wife got jealous so we are coming back!
One of the most enchanting little spots in LA. My husband and ai love coming here. The food is great as well as the service. But out favorite thing is the atmosphere.